Staying hydrated on the road is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Every system in our bodies depends on water, which is needed to help:
- Control body temperature
- Maintain a healthy metabolism
- Lubricate muscles
- Control blood pressure
- and heart rate
Without proper hydration, we can become fatigued, dizzy and ultimately unsafe behind the wheel.
We lose water routinely when we breathe, perspire and go to the bathroom. However, when we’re sick, doing physical activities or the temperature goes up, we lose even more fluids that need to be replaced to avoid dehydration. Waiting to drink until we feel thirsty may not be enough for proper hydration. Be sure to drink enough fluid so you rarely feel thirsty and produce urine that is colorless or slightly yellow. In general, follow these guidelines each day to stay hydrated:
- Women need approximately 91 ounces (2.7 liters) in total water consumption (e.g., from food and beverages)
- Men need approximately 125 ounces (3.7 liters) in total water consumption (e.g., from food and beverages)
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