  • April 6, 2017
  • Silvia Angér

Paralysis of Analysis


“New year, New you!”

The beginning of each year brings about a renewed energy and high hopes for a healthier lifestyle and an overall better self. Many of us dive deep in the information superhighway surfing through articles on the best training routine and latest diet or cleanse. Spring fashions bring the coolest workout wear.

We ask coworkers and friends about their gym experience and receive a myriad of stories.  We ask, we read, we compare, we read more blogs, we listen to others and take notes. We are amazed by before and after pictures online. We like what we heard and we pull up the YouTube video and watch multiple videos. We check Facebook feed and notice suggestive selling items which weren’t there before. Navigating health and fitness blogs has made you a target to marketers. We see gadgets, protein shakes, pre-workouts, vitamins, trainers and exercise machines. 

We were close to a decision on which program to follow, but now….we’re not entirely sure. So, we click on that suggested link for a different blog with a different diet and training plan. We read and we watch and we take notes. They seem to make sense, we like them too.    

This pattern can extend for days and our good intentions begin to subdue under incessant bombarding of information. We are exhausted and confused. There are multiple directions and schools of thought on how to proceed. We’re not sure, we know we want to improve and we don’t want to break the bank. 

Well, maybe I should look into this other thing here…..STOP

This is a classic example of paralysis of analysis. It is a great move to be informed because you don’t want to get hurt by jumping into a CrossFit class only to find it is unsustainable and abandon it immediately. The key is to start where you are, doing what you can, with one guide. Start walking, start bicycling, start swimming, start dancing…just start and be consistent. Do not overthink it. Follow one trainers advice for 100 days. Give yourself time to see results. DO SOMETHING. Stop planning, thinking, researching, comparing, debating…put on those tennis shoes and go. Your body will thank you. Your mind will thank you. You will be amazed at the things you can do…if you just start.    


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